O’Dive Personal Doppler Sensor

O’Dive Personal Doppler Sensor


O’Dive Personal Doppler Sensor

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O’Dive Personal Doppler Sensor for Recreational,Technical and Professional Diving

The O’Dive Sensor system is a patented innovation that – for the first time in the world – allows divers to tailor their practice of scuba diving, considering the gas micro-bubbles detected post dive in their venous system and the engagement (risk factor) of their dives.

How does it work?

O’Dive technology comprises an ultrasonic Doppler sensor together with a dedicated application connected to a specialized analysis software on server in France. First: the diver places the sensor under their left and then right clavicle to take acoustic readings of the flow of subclavian veins 30 minutes after surfacing.

Secondly: the diver downloads the dive profile from their computer to the O’Dive app, they can then upload all the data to the Azoth Systems servers for analysis. The result: less than 5 minutes after the upload, the diver can visualize a personal Qualiity Index (QI) between 0 and 100 points, that reflects the quality of their decompression. The bar graph results are in the individual diver’s logbook. Each bar corresponds to an analyzed dive.

A detailed result

When the QI (quality index) does not reach 100, the diver can access information specifying the part of this result which is attributable to the severity of the dive itself (dive profile and decompression procedure) and the part attributable to the level of detected vascular micro-bubbles.

A fully customized planification tool for more safety Once the diver has their QI, they can access a planning tool see how the dive settings could be adjusted to improve their decompression next time around. several levers are available to customize the diving procedure

-Use of Nitrox with different O₂% levels

-Optimization of CCR Set point PpO₂

-Adaptation of the bottom gas (Nitrox, Trimix, Heliox) according to depth

-Adjustment of the GF Low & High based on the level of micro-bubbles detected, dive’s depth and gas used

-Improvement effect of additional stops

One App for each practice:

The O’Dive app is divided into 5 versions, offering different functionalities depending on the level of the diver. Upgrading is easy to do. By scanning a QR code card you can unlock any version and get the functionalities.


User Analysis

Each unit offers Unlimited user accounts. Free and unlimited dive analyses for the owner of the system (and one person of his or her choice) For additional users: a total volume of 30 dive analyses are offered with the sensor, then dive analysis from $5 is available for additional users.


If you already own an O’Dive sensor but you have moved forward in your diving career each unit is upgradable. For upgrade code pricing please contact the shop for more details.

Dan’s Dive Shop is an Authorized Dealer and Training center for O’Dive Systems. Unit training or sensor rentals are available. Please email [email protected] if you are interested in learning first hand how to use and utilize the benefits of the O’Dive Personal Doppler Sensor. 

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 26 × 20 × 10 cm
Sensor Version

O'Dive Sport, O'Dive Advanced, O'Dive CCR, O'Dive Technical