Dive Rite XT2 Stage Regulator Package

Dive Rite XT2 Stage Regulator Package


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Dive Rite XT2 Stage Regulator Package

Dive Rite XT2 Stage Regulator Package comes complete with a Brass SPG on a 6″ HP Hose, a 40″ LP Hose at a great value.  Priced in Canadian Dollars.

The Dive Rite XT1 First Stage Regulator is a balanced diaphragm design featuring a new generation of first stage regulator performance at Dive Rite. Five low pressure ports and a swivel turret achieves optimal hose routing. Two HP ports are angled 90-degrees from the DIN fitting which gives the perfect angle for the SPG hose routing. The XT1 first stage is environmentally sealed to protect against contaminants and is suitable for diving in cold water to { 27 °F | -3 °C }. It comes standard with a 300-BAR DIN fitting and is Nitrox Ready. A native yoke style A-clamp fitting version is available, or to be able to switch between both DIN and Yoke then add an optional a DIN-to-Yoke spin on adapter – see price list below.

The Dive Rite XT2 Ambidextrous Balanced Second Stage Regulator is a pneumatically balanced downstream design featuring a new generation of second stage regulator performance at Dive Rite. A venturi assist directs airflow from the valve directly to the mouthpiece producing smooth inhalation. A compact yet easy grip dive/pre-dive switch avoids free flow at surface and is suitable for use with gloves. The adjustment knob allows the diver to fine tune cracking pressure so breathing resistance matches diver personal preference. A unique deflection ring works to maximize performance while deterring free flow and all internal moving parts are Teflon® coated for cold-water diving. The XT2 also includes a long bite orthodontic mouthpiece to reduce jaw fatigue.

Stage package is configured with 40″ Low Pressure Hose, Brass Stage Bottle Pressure Gauge on 6″ High Pressure Hose & Delrin DIN Cap.

Buy Dive Rite Gear Online in Canada with Free Shipping from Dan’s Dive Shop, a Top Stocking North American Dive Rite Dealer, the World’s Oldest Dive Rite Dealer since 1986!

Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 29.21 × 19.05 × 11.43 cm
DIR Hose Upgrade

DIR Hose Kit Doubles, DIR Hose Kit Singles, No Thanks