Garrett GTI 2500 Metal Detector

Garrett GTI 2500 Metal Detector


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Garrett GTI 2500 Metal Detector

The Garrett GTI 2500 Metal Detector takes Treasure Hunting to New Depths. Treasure that you thought was impossible to find is just one touch away with the GTI 2500-the world’s fastest, most accurate Imaging metal detector.

At the heart of the impressive GTI 2500 is the most advanced DSP computer chip and search coil ever developed. This high-tech chip enables the detector to report the TRUE SIZE and TRUE DEPTH of all targets. This superior electronic feature combined with Garrett’s acclaimed GTA (Graphic Target Analyzer) gives you treasure hunting capabilities never before possible.

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Garrett Imaging with TreasureVision enables you to determine very precisely what kind of metal object you’ve found, how big it is and how deep it’s located. Dig only the type and size of targets that you want by choosing one of seven hunting modes All target sizes are identified as: smaller than coins, coin size, larger than coins, 12 oz. drink can size and larger than a 12 oz. can. When you detect a coin, the detector will even tell you the coin’s probable denomination. Treasure that you thought was impossible to find is just one touch away with the GTI 2500-the world’s fastest, most accurate Imaging metal detector.

At the heart of the impressive GTI 2500 is the most advanced DSP computer chip and search coil ever developed. This superior electronic feature combined with Garrett’s acclaimed GTA (Graphic Target Analyzer) gives you treasure hunting capabilities never before possible. Garrett Imaging with TreasureVision enables you to determine very precisely what kind of metal object you’ve found, how big it is and how deep it’s located. It’s that simple! Plus, the GTI 2500 Scan Track , together with Ground Track, automatically adapts to your hunting style and any changes in ground composition, adding much more treasure to your treasure pouch.

Combine the GTI 2500 with the optional Treasure Hound with EagleEye pinpointing and you’ll detect treasure caches located two to three times deeper. You’ll be amazed at the amount of treasure you’ll find in previously hunted areas. With the GTI 2500 you’ll locate treasure at depths no other detector can reach. Now that’s real treasure hunting!

Part Number: 1120570

Key Features

Graphic Target Imaging™ (GTI) shows true target size and depth

Graphic Target Analyzer™ (GTA) identifies target’s conductivity

True Digital Signal Processor™ (DSP) improves discrimination accuracy

ScanTrack™ optimizes treasure signals based on searchcoil swing speed

Ground Balance: automatic and also manually adjustable

All Metal, Non-Motion Deepseeking Mode: allows hovering over target

User-adjustable Volume, Threshold, Tone, Sensitivity, Discrimination

Salt Elimination Aid: eliminate interference caused by wetted salt at beach

Hip Mount Battery Pack: reduces detector weight for long searches

FastTrack™ Ground Balance for use in All Metal Mode

Surface Elimination: adjustable search aid ignores shallow, undesired items

LCD Backlight: to illuminate LCD screen for improved visibility

External Speaker and Headphone Jack: quarter-inch (1/4″) size

Coin Alert Belltone Audio™: Garrett sound for high conductivity targets

Last Mode Switching: switch from All-Metal into last-used discrim. mode

Search Modes (6 plus electronic pinpointing)

All Metal, Zero, Jewelry, Custom, Relics, Coins, Pinpoint

Buy Garrett Metal Detectors Online in Canada with Free Shipping from Dan’s Dive Shop, Top Selling Garrett Retailer.

Additional information

Weight 7 kg
Dimensions 66.5 × 44.5 × 14 cm