Dive Rite O2ptima Rebreather

Dive Rite O2ptima Rebreather



Dive Rite O2ptima Rebreather

The Dive Rite O2ptima Rebreather is a fully closed circuit, constant PO2, electronically-driven rebreather with built-in decompression ability.

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Unique in the rebreather marketplace, the O2ptima is specifically designed for the rigors of cave diving where immediate surfacing is not possible. The resulting features are also highly desirable for wreck and deep ocean divers.

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The O2ptima’s design includes minimal risk of a caustic cocktail. Two water traps in the loop along with horizontal, behind-the-head positioning of the scrubber canister create a difficult path for water to travel. An even greater advantage is gained by using Micropore Extend Air scrubber cartridges, which do not contain dust. It is the dust that reacts quickly with water to form a caustic cocktail.

The O2ptima delivers excellent work-of-breathing that allows divers faced with strong flow or ripping current to breathe comfortably. Over-the-shoulder counterlungs  along with the scrubber positioned behind the head means gas has less distance to travel, so the diver does not have to work as hard to “pull” gas through the loop. This also allows the O2ptima to have smaller diameter loop hoses, which minimizes jaw fatigue.

A stainless steel frame and Rhinotec 600-denier polyester cover protects the O2ptima from tight cave squeezes and rolling boats. Hoses, regulators and tanks are kept neatly streamlined and away from potential snags inside a wreck or cave.

Now featuring an all new rear-mounted counterlung design utilizing Divesoft’s multi-function BOV, the O2ptima 2018 CCR has become one of the most streamlined CCR packages on the market. With its horizontal scrubber, the O2ptima boasts an extremely short breathing loop improving performance, safety, and diver comfort. The O2ptima CCR is powered by Shearwater electronics. Utilizing Shearwater’s DiveCan technology, the O2ptima comes standard with a Petrel 2 controller and an independent Heads-up Display (HUD). For buoyancy control, the O2ptima includes the divers choice of the Dive Rite TransPac or TransPlate harness along with their CCR XT wing specifically designed for rebreathers. The O2ptima includes { 20 cuft | 3L } cylinders and valves, but also accepts a very wide range of cylinder sizes from aluminum 13’s (2L) to steel 27’s (4L). Less the cylinders, the entire unit can be carry-on luggage for most airlines.

The O2ptima comes standard with the following features (see tech specs for details):

  • Redundant Shearwater DiveCAN electronics including Heads-Up Display (HUD) and Petrel 2 controller
  • Back mounted counterlungs with 6.5 Liter loop volume and dual water traps
  • Dual use scrubber canister can be used with Micropore ExtendAir SR-081C cartridges or packed with 5lbs of 812 mesh loose granular CO2 absorbent
  • Divesoft BOV + ADV + MAVs standard (all-in-one Bail Out Valve with Automatic Diluent Valve and Manual Add Valves for O2 and diluent)
  • Dive Rite first stage oxygen and diluent regulators
  • Low-pressure flex hoses and gas distribution manifolds
  • High-pressure flex hoses and tech SPG’s
  • Four Analytical Industries brand oxygen sensors
  • Kydex hard cover for abrasion protection
  • Stainless Steel and StarBoard frame and stand
  • Catalina AL-20 (aka 3L) oxygen and diluent cylinders with valves (wide variety of optional cylinders available)
  • Dive Rite CCR XT air cell utilizing abrasion resistant SuperFabric
  • Choice of Dive Rite TransPac or TransPlate Harness
  • Available with Optional Shearwater NERD Heads Up Display Computer

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Additional information

Weight 30 kg
Dimensions 92 × 61 × 61 cm

CCR XT Wing 40lb, CCR XT Wing Dual Bladder

Backplate Size

Transpac Double Extra Large, Transpac Extra Large Harness, Transpac Extra Small Harness, Transpac Large Harness, Transpac Medium Harness, Transpac Small Harness, Transplate Double Extra Large Harness SS, Transplate Extra Large Harness SS, Transplate Large Harness SS, Transplate Medium Harness SS

Dive Computer or BT Upgrade

Shearwater NERD 2, Shearwater Petrel EXT CCR