The Dive the Shipwreck Waome is located in Lake Muskoka, a few hundred yards southwest of the north end of Keewaydin Island (one of the Seven Sisters Islands). The Waome is a 78′ wooden steamer and was first launched in 1912 and called the MINK. The Waome sunk in October 1934 and now sits upright on the lake’s bottom at 7oft. The Waoma sits in tannon water meaning this wreck is similar to a night dive. Visibilty is 10 – 25 ft and a dive light is required.
We have two afternoon charters available of diving the shipwreck Waome on the weekend of Sept 10 – 11, 2022.
Diver Level Minimum Advanced Open Water certified. Must have dive light. Max depth 70ft
Departure Baycliff Bay Park, Bracebridge. Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to departure to load your gear.
Cost $110 + HST for two tank charter. Tanks & Scuba gear not included.
Cancellation Policy All charters are non-refundable. Please let us know if you are unable to go. If we are able to fill your spot you will receive a store credit for your charter fee. If the charter is cancelled by Dan’s Dive Shop or the boat operator due to unforeseeable circumstances a full refund will be provided.
How To Sign Up